has been on the back burner of my mind these past few months. This has been a
busy and rather stressful autumn. Without going into detail, there has been a
lot going on for us. Although I started my new job at the end of July, it's
taken a long time to really feel comfortable for me and get my own rhythm in my
every day routine. I finally feel like I'm swimming rather than just keeping my
head above water, and I still love it. The people I've met and the knowledge I've
acquired is so much more valuable to me than I would have ever expected. I feel
like I'm a little obsessed with nursing, which probably isn't a bad thing. I'm
thirsty for new knowledge, new information and new experiences. I thank the
stars that I am able to work in such an environment.

Every year
seems to fly by faster than the previous year, and every year I wish for more
peace, more time. I don't know if that's a truly reasonable New Year's wish as
I have this other side to my personality that wants to do everything and go on
adventures and plan stuff and do stuff all the time; my yin and yang. 2014 was
good to me, good to us. We found our little apartment that we've been living in
now since April. The summer was mild and beautiful after my worries about our
lack of air conditioning in our 98 year old home. I transitioned in my career
from home care nursing to acute care cardiovascular step down nursing and as
stated above am beyond grateful for it. Tanner and I went on an adventure to
the West Coast in May where he saw mountains for the first time in his life, we
visited cousins and friends who we've not seen for many years, we sat on a
Californian cliff side breathing in the ocean and slept in the mountains of
Yosemite National Park. We partook in engagements and weddings of dear friends.
Watched our niece celebrate her first lap around the sun and likewise celebrated my
Great-Grandma's 99th. Babies were born and friendships were
bonded tightly. We said hard goodbyes. We laughed with our families and played
many a game of Settlers of Catan- which I win most all of the games and infuriate
Tanner in the process. We've driven through the beautiful North which I never
seem to tire of. And now we have exciting hopes and dreams for 2015.
2014 was
running. 2015 will be soaring.
Jessie, so glad to hear things are going well for you! I feel like this year has brought many changes for us as well, and I'm very glad to be delving into a new year. You always leave the sweetest little compliments on my thank you! They always make my day!